2nd Virtual Think Tank Round Table on Digitalisation: "Water Information Systems, Governance and the Interest of Remote Sensing"


- Impact
The second virtual roundtable of the series on Digital Transformation Challenges and Opportunities for West African River Basin Development Organisations brought together more than 200 participants from 73 countries. The webinar recording as well as the speakers’ presentations are available below. Speakers include INBO, the International Office for Water (IOW), the National Centre for Space Studies of France (CNES), the International Commission of the Congo-Ubangui-Sangha (CICOS), the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), the Ministry of Water and Sanitation of Senegal and the Geneva Water Hub.
The webinar recording as well as the speakers’ presentations are available below.
Alice ANDRAL, SWOT downstream Team, CNES
Mrs Judith ENAW, SecretaryGeneral of CICOS
Alexandra MOREIRA, Secretary-General Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization
Niokhor NDOUR, Ministry of Water and Sanitation, Republic of Senegal
The second virtual roundtable of the series on Digital Transformation Challenges and Opportunities for West African River Basin Development Organisations is organized by the International Network of River Basin Organisations (INBO) in partnership with the Geneva Water Hub. Speakers include INBO, the International Office for Water (IOW), the National Centre for Space Studies of France (CNES), the International Commission of the Congo-Ubangui-Sangha (CICOS), the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), the Ministry of Water and Sanitation of Senegal and the Geneva Water Hub.
Speaker will share their rich experiences of their diverse and complementary territories, by addressing the needs and difficulties of access to data, the importance of having effective Information Systems, the best practices for the structuration and management of these systems in national (Senegal) and transboundary (in the Amazon and Congo basins) contexts and the new perspectives offered by advanced remote sensing technologies, such as the use of satellite data and imagery for both qualitative and quantitative monitoring of water resources.