9th World Water Forum – Kick-off Meeting


- Impact
This dinner was the oportunity for the « Direction générale pour l'eau et l'assainissement » as well as the "Ministre de l'Eau et Assainissement" to officially launch the « Pôle Eau Dakar”.
Pictures of the event are available below.
The Geneva Water Hub was mentionned as a key partner for Senegal and rewarded as such. Close to 100 guests from around the world attended the event in the framework of the preparation of the 2021 9th World Water Forum. The executif secretary of the 9th Forum Mr Abdou laye Sène headed a panel, and plenary sessions were organized along the Forum's four thematics i.e. "Water security", "Cooperation"; "Water for rural development" and "Tools and means".
The event was covered by the senegalese national press, for examples by Le Quotidien daily newspaper.
In preparation for the 9th edition of the world's largest water event, to be held in Senegal in 2021, the Geneva Water Hub is part of the 9th World Water Forum Kick-off Meeting, organized in Diamniadio (Senegal) on 20 and 21 June 2019.
This international event will be the occasion to take part in various events such as:
- Regional Training on How to Use the Two Global Water Conventions to Advance Transboundary Cooperation on the Ground (UNECE, 18-19 June). More information here.
- Blue Fund Launch diner (Senegal Minsitère de l’eau et de l’assainissement, USAID, UNICEF, Pôle Eau Dakar).
The event brochure is available below.