9th World Water Forum - Preparatory training for journalists to cover current hydro-political affairs related to the 9th World Water Forum

The 9th World Water Forum (WWF) will be held in Dakar, Senegal between 21-26 March 2022 under the title “Water security for peace and development”. The WWF will cover a broad range of themes related to present day water management and international cooperation on water, with a focus on peacebuilding and development. The Executive Secretariat of the 9th World Water Forum and the water intelligence update The Water Diplomat, produced in partnership between OOSKAnews and the Geneva Water Hub, are collaborating to provide support to journalists seeking to cover events related to the 9th World Water Forum in Dakar.
General Objective of the Course for Journalists
Improve the media coverage of hydro-political themes and their anchoring in the media supported by this training.
Description of the course
This course is intended for journalists (and young water professionals) aiming to cover events at the 9th World Water Forum. Water management is complex and multidimensional, as water is needed at the household level, it is needed for every sector in the economy, and it is necessary in the environment to maintain life itself. Water also has a strategic dimension in the relations between States, jurisdictions and sectors which share surface water and groundwater or in cases when hydraulic infrastructure is attacked during an armed conflict. This training will firstly provide participants with the basic concepts in water policies and management which are required for an understanding of the issues surrounding this vital provide them with a series of briefings on the 9th World Water Forum, its priority themes, its expectations, and its actors.
Expected Results of the Course
After having followed this course, journalists will have a general overview of the principal topics related to water policy and management. They will also have a general overview of questions related to the role of water in international law. Course participants will have knowledge of and scientific references for the principal themes covered during the Forum and they will understand the specific and innovative approach of the 9th Forum to resolving some of the key challenges for the management of water at the global, regional and local level.
Participants’ Profile
- Journalists interested in water from a social, economic and environmental perspective
- Journalists without means to travel and attend the Forum
- Balanced gender profile of group
Prior to the online course
A series of introductory videos will be made available to participants prior to the Forum on the following topics:
- Water resources policy and management
- Water Sanitation and Hygiene
- Transboundary water resources and the evolution of International Water Law
- The protection of water in international humanitarian law
Register HERE for the Zoom conference.
The full programme is available below.
With the support of: