Conference on “Water Diplomacy: Building Bridges for Lasting Peace”


- Impact
This event contributions included:
- Presentations abstracts
- Mara Tignino (Geneva Water Hub) on-line and slide presentation below.
- Atila Uras (UN Environment) on line and slide presentation below.
- Yuri Jain (Isha Foundation) presentation.
- Ahmed Haj Asaad (Graduate Institute of International and development studies) slide presentation
- Erika Weinthal (Duke University) slide presentation
The Geneva Water Hub is pleased to invite you to a Conference on "Water Diplomacy: Building Bridges for Lasting Peace". This Conference is taking place in the context of the Geneva Peace Week.
The Conference will cover the multiple challenges of the nexus between water, peace and security both from the science, legal and governance standpoint. It will include two segments:
- Threatened critical water infrastructure and peacebuilding;
- Transboundary water cooperation and local governance mechanisms.
The objectives of the Conference will be twofold:
- To discuss the opportunities of water as a resource for peacebuilding;
- To address good practices of water management mechanisms to prevent tensions at the local and international levels.
The event organizers include: The Geneva Water Hub/University of Geneva, UN Environment, GeoExpertise - Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and Rally for Rivers.
The Conference programme and poster are available below:
Speakers include:
Mr Danilo Türk
Former President of Slovenia and Geneva Water Hub Lead Political Advisor
Danilo Türk is a Slovenian diplomat, professor of international law, human rights expert, and political figure.
Mr Mahir Aliyev
Coordinator of the UN Environment Programme for the European region
Mr. Aliyev held different posts in UN entities, working in the field of environmental resource management and international environmental governance.
Mr Ahmed Haj Asaad
Scientific collaborator at the Graduate Institute of International and development studies
Ahmed Haj Asaad is currently completing a PhD at the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment, University of Lausanne (UNIL), Switzerland.
Mr Aleš Bizjak
International Cooperation Officer for the Slovenian Water Agency
Aleš Bizjak holds B.Sc. in Landscape Planning, M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences and Policy, and Ph. D. in Civil Engineering.
Mr Christian Bréthaut
Professor at University of Geneva's Institute for Environemental Sciences and leader of the Research and Education component of the Geneva Water Hub
He holds a PhD in Geosciences and Environment from the University of Lausanne and his area of expertise is the analysis of water policies and the issues associated with the management of cross border rivers.
Mr Lucius Caflisch
Emeritus Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva)
Lucius Caflisch is a member of Institute of International Law.
Mr Yuri Jain
Full time volunteer at Isha Foundation handling the social out-reach activities in the areas of environment, education and health
Prior to this role, Yuri was the Global Vice President at Unilever plc, one of the world's largest consumer good companies.
Mr Attila Tanzi
Chair of International Law at the University of Bologna
He is visiting professor Université Paris II, Panthéon Assas (2018) and visiting professor Queen Mary University of London (2014-2016).
Mrs Mara Tignino
Senior Lecturer and Coordinator of the Platform for International Water Law/Geneva Water Hub
She holds a PhD in International Law from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies of Geneva and has been a Visiting Scholar at George Washington University School of Law in Washington DC.
Mr Atila Uras
Sudan Country Programme Manager for UN Environment
He is UN Environment’s Sudan Country Programme Manager since July 2017, supervising the country team in assisting the people of Sudan to achieve peace, recovery and development on an environmentally sustainable basis.
Mrs Leila Urekenova
Programme Analyst at the UN Environment’s Europe Office
She coordinates the work of the Geneva Science-Policy Platform on Environment and Security, a forum which brings together scientists and policymakers in search of innovative solutions to address the environment and security nexus, and use environmental cooperation as a tool for peacebuilding.
Mrs Erika Weinthal
Professor of Environmental Policy, Duke University
Erika Weinthal is the Lee Hill Snowdon Professor of Environmental Policy at the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University.

With the support of: