"Conseil de la Communauté Marocaine à l’Étranger" (CCME) meeting

Dr Fatine Ezbakhe from the Geneva Water Hub and Institute for Environmental Sciences (University of Geneva) was invited to take part in a Consultative Meeting of Moroccan Experts in the fields of water, climate change, and alternative energies, organized by the "Conseil de la Communauté Marocaine à l’Étranger" (CCME).
In the meeting, Moroccan experts discussed water resources and water policies in Morocco, focusing on concrete proposals for solutions and ways forward. Morocco is currently facing a severe water scarcity crisis, experiencing one of the worst droughts in the country in the last decades, with the Ministry of Equipment and Water stating it was a “state of water emergency”. The roundtable, which gathered more than 20 Moroccan experts from around the world, responded to His Majesty King Mohammed VI's recent call to tap into the Moroccan community's skills and expertise abroad.
More information at www.ccme.org.ma/fr/activites/54605 and www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCLp0i_tMIg.