Geneva Peace Week 2020 - Intergenerational Dialogue on the Role of Water in Environmental Peacebuilding

The session will highlight the role of water as an instrument of peace and how young generations from local communities drive peace and cooperation. A combination of factors such as a growing population, climate change and increase of water uses make water one of the most pressing challenges of the 21st century.
With these anticipated future global environmental and social challenges, youth participation at all stages in the development of global and local policies on water becomes vital. Therefore, this session intends to focus on three dialogues between a senior community leader and a young expert related to the use of water in peacebuilding strategies. The case studies will be selected across the different regions of the world (South America and Africa) to foster the sharing of good practices. Through these intergenerational dialogues focused on the use of water as an instrument of peace, this session will highlight the positive role of young people in the recovery phase of societies by providing concrete examples on their commitments. Projects led by young women will be selected in priority. The Blue Peace movement provides an example where young people, in particular women, are able to express their commitment towards water and peace.

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