The Geneva Water Hub joins high-level delegation for two International Associations of Lake Regions events in Russia


- Impact
The roudtable conclusions have been gathered in the following official Resolution of the Russian Federation State Duma.
"Great Lakes of Eurasia: legislative issues of International Economic, Cultural and Ecological Cooperation" Roundtable, 17 September 2018, Russian State Parliament (Douma), Moscow.
Danilo Türk, Geneva Water Hub Lead Political Advisor, and François Münger, Geneva Water Hub Director, were part of the Roundtable Panel alongside colleagues from UN Environment European Office and WHO Europe Office. Danilo Türk, President of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace, presented the Panel’s recommendations extracted from the Report “A Matter of Survival”. Other partners presented the achievements of Tehran Convention and cooperation taking place around the Caspian Sea, inspiring environmental cooperation of Eurasian lake regions.

“Innovative and environmentally sustainable development of the lake regions of Eurasia", Assembly of the International Association of the Lake Regions, 19-21 September, Irkutsk
This event, organized by the administration of the Irkutsk region and the UN Environment, was the occasion to debate around the challenges and issues related to the management of Lake Baïkal, equivalent to 20% of freshwater availabilities on earth. Discussions took place in an intersectoral perspective considering water quantity and quality but also the different economic activities. The gathering provided a platform to strengthen the dialogue between all stakeholders in the innovative and environmentally sustainable development of the Eurasia lake regions.
More information at http://interlaker.org/en/news/2018/assambleya-maor-sostoitsya-v-irkutske-19-21-sentyabrya