UPWCD second coordination meeting

The Univerisities Partnership for Water Cooperation and Diplomcy (UPWCD) organised its 2nd coordination meeting on 3 March 2021 gathering 40 participants from 27 institutions. A number of actions were agreed upon to crystallise the spirit of the Partnership and translate it in to actual joint work. New joint research initiatives, publication on research topics of common interest, co-training and teaching initiatives as well as research for funding, teachers and students’ exchange programmes and public events were at the heart of their brainstorming efforts.
Water professionals who would have otherwise never met agreed to combine their resources and increase their impact on their target audiences. It is by working together that like-minded institutions in the field of water cooperation and diplomacy will make a difference, enhance scientific knowledge and capacities, contribute to the public debate on, and introduce rigorous science into, related dialogues and deliberation processes.
More information on the UPWCD website at www.upwcd.org.