Webinar on Sustainable Groundwater Management


- Impact
The webinar recordings are available on this this page or by clicking on the image below.
The agricultural sector increasingly relies on groundwater abstraction for irrigation in many regions of the world. Expansion of irrigated agriculture and groundwater use has contributed to increased food production and has improved food security. At the same time, the depletion of groundwater resources by excessive pumping has become a common challenge in key agricultural production areas across the world, which calls for sustainable rehabilitation and
management strategies in order to assure the availability of groundwater resources, today and for future generations.
Furthermore, water doesn’t have boundary. Regional cooperation plays critical role in water allocation in a region, among different sectors and across neighboring countries.
To celebrate and share the results of the 8+ years Sino-Swiss cooperation project “Rehabilitation and management strategies of over-pumped aquifers in a changing climate”, a Webinar on Sustainable Groundwater Management across continents is organized jointly by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the General Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Planning and Design (GIWP) of the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources, in partnership with the Centre for Agricultural Research (CAR) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Dakar Water Hub. We are pleased to have the following speakers who will be sharing their perspectives on groundwater management from the point of view of China, various regions and globally. Speakers will also include collegues from the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), the International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC) and from the Geneva Canton.
The full programme is available below.