WWW 2020 - Water Under Fire Session

This event aims at launching the executive summary of the "Water under fire 2" UNICEF report and provide key insights into the Water Under Fire series (volumes 1, 2 and 3), as well as further discussions with key experts from UNICEF, the Global WASH Cluster, the Swiss Development Agency, the Netherlands Government, Action Against Hunger and the Geneva Water Hub/University of Geneva.
UNICEF launched the Water Under Fire campaign on 22 March 2019 to draw global attention to three fundamental areas where change is urgently needed to secure access to safe and sustainable water supply and sanitation in fragile contexts. The first volume of the report series focuses on action across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus to strengthen WASH sector resilience in fragile and conflict-affected contexts.
This second volume is dedicated to the WASH sector's capacity to deliver a predictable, quality humanitarian WASH response and provides a change agenda and road map towards strengthening this capacity. The final volume in the series focuses on ending attacks on water and sanitation services in armed conflict.
An update on the last developments around the "Geneva list of the pinciples on the protection of water infrastructure" will also be made by the Geneva Water Hub’s Platform for International Water Law hosted at the University of Geneva.
A Q&A session for participants will be organized and facilitated by the panelists to discuss the future of delivering humanitarian WASH at scale.
See programme below.
Director of the UNICEF WASH Programme Division and will then be followed by the presentation of the Water Under Fire Vol.2 executive summary by Franck Bouvet, Global WASH Cluster Deputy Coordinator, the session will be complemented by voices and stories from the field.
Participants will then be presented with an insightful video recording from Manuel Bessler, Head of the Swiss Humanitarian Aid with SDC, who will briefly recall the devastating consequences of attacks on WASH infrastructures for populations living in conflict zones. An update on the last developments around the "Geneva list of the pinciples on the protection of water infrastructure" will also be made by Mara Tignino, Lead Legal Specialist at the Geneva Water Hub’s Platform for International Water Law hosted at the University of Geneva.
A Q&A session for participants will be organized and facilitated by the panelists to discuss the future of delivering humanitarian WASH at scale. Closing remarks will be provided by Henk Ovink, Special Envoy for International Water Affairs for the Kingdom of the Netherlands.