Blue Peace Day - in the blue exhibition
Building Peace
11.00 - 17.00
Angela Lyn and Fabian & Claude Walter Galerie
Rämistrasse 18, Zürich
We are partnering with the Fabian & Claude Walter Galerie in Zurich for the organization of the “Blue Peace Day” in the context of artist Angela Lyn “in the blue” exhibition.
Blue Peace day is the occasion to reflect on the power of art, the culture of peace and the preservation of precious freshwater resources, while achieving equitable and sustainable use of water across boundaries, sectors and generations.
A group discussion moderated by Pio Wennubst (representing Switzerland at the Rome based multilateral agencies of the United Nations) will include the following participants:
- Ernst Bromeis, Water Ambassador, dasblauewunder.ch,
- Marco Franciolli, former director Museo d’arte della Svizzera Italiana - MASI Lugano,
- Herman Gyr, PhD, Principal at the Enterprise, Development Group in Palo Alto, California,
- Daniel Maselli PhD, (SDC) Water Network, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Global Programme Water,
- Rukan Manaz, Geneva Water Hub and active driver of the Blue Peace Movement,
- Peter Schiesser, Journalist, Editor of Migros Ticino weekly magazine,
- Anastasia Tokareva, student, Department of Journalism Russian State University of Humanities, Moscow.
The flyer is available below.