Blue Peace Talk - Young People as Actors of Change - 8th World Water Forum, Brasília
The empowerment of young people as agents of change all over the world is integral to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and more peaceful societies. The water sector, however, lags behind in this regard. Young people are globally underrepresented in relevant institutions, organizations and decision-making processes, whereas, paradoxically, young people are disproportionately affected by inadequate access to safe drinking water and sanitation. The last discussion of the Blue Peace Talks series gathers experts and young people from different geographical regions to identify the reasons for barriers to inclusion, the challenges for participating in relevant decision-making processes, getting access to quality education and jobs in this sector. Young people are encouraged to present their thoughts on how they can contribute to the Blue Peace Movement, to present their initiatives and share their stories with the goal to identify possible solutions to overcome key challenges.
Moderator: Juliane Shilling, Parliamentarian, World Youth Parliament for Water
- Kareem Hassan, Managing Director, Benaa Foundation
- Vilma Chanta, Youth Focal Point for GWP Central America
- President of the World Youth Parliament for Water or the European Youth Parliament for Water