MOOC n°3 - International Water Law

The MOOC on International Water Law is now available in English!
The Geneva Water Hub is proud to co-organise MOOC n°3 - International Water Law. It strengthens the Geneva Water Hub’s offer in free open online courses alongside the one on Water Management and Policy and Ecosystem Services: A Method for Sustainable Development. The ultimate objective being to deliver a combined certificate on natural resources and water governance under the Coursera umbrella.
Water scarcity, climate change, a growing population, the increasing demand on hydropower and the consequences of environmental degradation all lead to more frequent transboundary impacts. These international effects, combined with the consumptive nature of certain water uses, make agreements between States on the utilisation of shared water resources necessary. Otherwise, the multiple demands on, and the uneven distribution of, freshwater across regions can lead to tensions and disputes. This topic, which dominates current political and economic discourse, affects everyone who is passionate about, or who wishes to shape, our planet’s future.
International Water Law, the Geneva Water Hub’s Platform for International Water Law’s first massive open online course (MOOC) analyses the evolution, impact and future of international regulations on water. It is delivered by some of the most well-renowned experts in this field. The course, which is given in partnership with the Coursera Platform, is designed for students or professionals with an interest in international law and water resources management and protection. It will run over four weeks, combining video lectures, articles, discussion and interactive assignments. Registration is free and participants will be able to access the platform from anytime.
This course is funded by the Global Programme Water of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and has been supported by the MOOC’s Centre of the University of Geneva.
Follow this link to enrol on the Cousera platform.
You can view the official trailer below: