UNESCO Chair on Hydropolitics
Since 2015, the University of Geneva’s (UNIGE) Institute for Environmental Sciences (ISE) has hosted the UNESCO Chair on Hydropolitics. The Geneva Water Hub collaborates closely with the UNESCO Chair and its network of national and international partners in developing research projects, creating and delivering educational programs, and building bridges between science and policy.
Some of the objectives of the UNESCO Chair on Hydropolitics are to:
Contribute to an improved understanding of the political challenges relating to water resources (in particular, institutional frameworks, regulatory regimes, policy processes, and conflict resolution mechanisms), covering all levels of issues, whether local, regional or international.
Strengthen international interdisciplinary research on water policy issues, bringing together a diversity of perspectives, methodologies, and empirical cases to enlighten the inherent complexity of hydropolitics.
Disseminate knowledge resources globally through an open platform, including free education programs.
Establish international research networks, integrated with other UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks, to build bridges between academic research teams in Northern and Southern countries, encouraging North-South and South-South collaborations.