Academic Publications
Boisson de Chazournes, Laurence, and Mara Tignino. (2024). "Droit international et eau douce." Juris-Classeur Environnement et Développement Durable, LexisNexis, Paris. [↓]
Tignino, Mara. (2024). "The protection of water in armed conflicts: legal challenges and developments," in Rivista della Giustizia Militare, Special Edition on International Humanitarian Law, pp. 61-70, Rome. [↓]
Tignino, Mara. (2024). "Economia circolare ed elementi di diritto internazionale." Ambiente & Sviluppo, no. 1, pp. 36. [↓]
Tignino, Mara, and Diego Jara. (2024). "Human rights law in the development of hydropower projects in transboundary context." Frontiers in Climate, vol. 6. [↓]
Tignino, Mara, and Tadesse Moges Kebebew. (2024). "Drops of hope: fresh water and its related services in post-conflict peacebuilding activities." In Enhancing Stabilization and Strategic Partnership in a Post-Conflict Environment: A Comprehensive Approach to Human Security, edited by Ludovica Glorioso and Susan Pond, NATO Security Force Assistance Centre for Excellence, Rome, p. 173. [↓]
Boisson de Chazournes, Laurence, Mara Tignino, and Haoua Savadogo. (2023). "The Right to Water." In The Roles of International Law in Development, edited by Siobhan McInerney-Lankford and Robert McCorquodale, Oxford University Press, Oxford, p. 196. [↓]
Boisson de Chazournes, Laurence. (2023). "L'eau en droit international: entre singularité et pluralité", Fayard. [↓]
Tignino, Mara, and Tadesse Moges Kebebew.(2023). "A galaxy of norms: UN peace operations and protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict." International Review of the Red Cross, vol. 105, no. 924, pp. 1543-1567. [↓]
Tignino, Mara. (2023). "The regulation of crimes against water in armed conflicts and other situations of violence." International Review of the Red Cross, vol. 105, no. 923, pp. 706-734. [↓]
Kebebew, T. M. (2023). Dispute over the Status and Use of the Waters of the Silala (Chile v Bolivia): Is the International Court of Justice falling short? Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, 32(2), 371-375. [↓]
Tignino, M., & Kebebew, T. (2023). Access to water and peacebuilding. In Research Handbook on International Law and Environmental Peacebuilding (pp. 328-354). Edward Elgar Publishing. [↓]
Tignino, M., & Kebebew, T. (2023). International water law and climate change. In A Research Agenda for Water Law (pp. 157-184). Edward Elgar Publishing. [↓]
Tignino, M., & Kebebew, T. (2022). The legal protection of freshwater resources and related installations during warfare. Journal of International Criminal Justice, 20(5), 1191-1228. [↓]
Tignino, M. (2022). Derechos de la naturaleza y derechos a la naturaleza: tendencias emergentes en el derecho internacional. Naturaleza y Sociedad. Desafíos Medioambientales, (4), 53-69. [↓]
De Chazournes, L. B. (2021). Fresh water in international law. Oxford University Press. [↓]
Tignino, M., & Irmakkesen, Ö. (2020). Water in peace operations: The case of Haiti. Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, 29(1), 33-43. [↓]
Tignino, M., & Bréthaut, C. (2020). The role of international case law in implementing the obligation not to cause significant harm. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 20, 631-648. [↓]
Recent contributions:
IUCN WCEL Specialist Group on Environmental Security and Conflict Law, including Simone van der Boon, Daniëlla Dam-de Jong, Karen Hulme, Merryl Lawry-White, and Mara Tignino. "Corporate due diligence and liability for natural resources supply chains in/from conflict-affected regions: Implementation Guidance for Principles 10 and 11 of the ILC Principles on the Protection of the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflict," 2024. [↓]
Geneva Water Hub’s Contribution to the development of the policy paper on Environmental Crimes by the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, 2024. [↓]
Geneva Water Hub contribution to the Special Rapporteur on the rights to water and sanitation's thematic report to the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, "The rights to water and sanitation as a tool for peace, prevention and cooperation" [↓]